The LaJolla model finds inspiration from LaJolla Village, a small town near San Diego that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. These wallets have all the qualities of a Jewel. CNC machining combined with hand finishing leaves a reflective pattern that changes with the light. The Mahogany veneer lends visual strength and warmth.
These LaJolla wallets don’t stop at beauty. Each detail of design makes these wallets easy to carry, easy to use and a lasting addition to the daily carry.
M I N I M A L I S T S I Z E :
These LaJolla wallets are close to the size of standard credit card. Perfect for front pockets, even fully loaded. The elastic band, while hidden inside the wallet expands to accept whatever you have to carry.
C N C M A C H I N E D & H A N D F I N I S H E D :
The CNC machining assures consistent quality, and the hand finishing
preserves the raw micro surfaces created during cutting. Once the hand
finishing is complete, the wallet surfaces refract light like a jewel.
There is no anodize, or other coating to end up scratching and wearing away.
The raw aluminum self polishes over time, keeping a beautiful surface.
E A S E O F U S E :
As engaging as the wallet is, it will live in the pocket 95% of the time. When it is time to access cards the LaJolla wallets shine here as well. Internal corners provide a radiused chamfer to easily slide a card back into the wallet. External edges are all radiused for a quick comfortable grab to pull the wallet out of the pocket.
Retrieving cards has also been thought out through multiple development iterations. Placement of the band and a rear cut out make fanning cards out a quick exercise.